Course Duration

30 months


Off Site

Course Cost

£ 0.00
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Course Code


Start Date


Start Time




Course Summary

To enrol onto this apprenticeship, you must have an employer who is willing to support you throughout the duration of your training and end point assessment.

The Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship is designed for individuals in managerial roles who are responsible for overseeing a department or a business unit. The Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Management.

The apprenticeship focuses on the following course content:

- Leadership and Management Principles
- Business Operations and Strategy
- Project Management
- Performance Management
- Customer and Stakeholder Engagement
- Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Standards

- Leadership and Decision-Making
- Operations Management
- Financial Management
- Project Management
- Performance and Resource Management
- Problem solving
- Communication

- Leadership and Accountability
- Resilience
- Adaptability
- Collaboration
- Customer and Quality Focus

Course Requirements

Entry Requirements

GCSE Grade 4 or above in English and Maths.

How Is It Assessed

The End Point Assessment for this apprenticeship consists of a professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence and a project proposal, presenation and questioning.

How Is It Taught

During the practical period, you will have training delivered by a Skills Coach in the workplace with tasks set to support your off the job learning. There will also be group sessions to attend at college.

What Could I do Next

Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship, there is an opportunity to study CMI courses at higher levels up to level 8.

What Else Do I Need To Know

You will be assigned a Skills Coach who will visit and support you in the workplace and complete progress reviews in preparation for your End Point Assessment.

Entry Requirements

GCSE Grade 4 or above in English and Maths.

How Is It Assessed

The End Point Assessment for this apprenticeship consists of a professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence and a project proposal, presenation and questioning.

How Is It Taught

During the practical period, you will have training delivered by a Skills Coach in the workplace with tasks set to support your off the job learning. There will also be group sessions to attend at college.

What Could I do Next

Upon successful completion of the apprenticeship, there is an opportunity to study CMI courses at higher levels up to level 8.

What Else Do I Need To Know

You will be assigned a Skills Coach who will visit and support you in the workplace and complete progress reviews in preparation for your End Point Assessment.