Maths and English

Developing students’ maths and English skills is a key priority for Stoke on Trent College. All students will develop these skills regardless of their prior achievements.

Last updated: 1 February, 2022

For some, this will be through English and maths incorporated within their study programme.  However, for all 16-18yr olds who do not yet hold a GCSE grade A*- C or 9 – 4 in English and Maths, it is compulsory for them to continue to study these subjects. 

This will be in dedicated English and maths lessons.  Good English and maths skills are essential to prepare students to progress onto higher levels of qualifications (including university), onto an apprenticeship or into employment.  In addition to widening opportunities, these skills also considerably increase a student’s earning potential.

If your son/daughter starts college in September without GCSE grade 9 – 4 in English and Maths, they will be studying either a GCSE or stepping stones course as appropriate.  The most suitable course will be identified following a through initial advice and guidance process.   

Details of the appropriate course and class times will be arranged during enrolment and will be on the student’s timetable. All students MUST regularly attend these classes in order to secure their space on the course. 

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