Free courses

We have a range of free adult courses available, depending on your personal circumstances.

If you aren’t eligible for free tuition, we can still help you with course costs through our interest-free payment plans, learner loans and financial support packages.

Cake decorating student decorating pastry.

Free Level 3 Courses

We offer a range of Level 3 courses which are FREE to adults who earn below £25,000 annual gross salary (whether unemployed, employed, or self-employed).

In addition, adults aged 19-23 with annual gross salary over £25,000 who don’t already have a Level 3 qualification can access a range of FREE Level 3 courses.

We will be offering the following courses as part of this offer:

Childcare, Health & Social Care

  • Working in the Early Year Sector (Early Years Educator) Level 3 Diploma (NCFE)

FREE Distance Learning Courses

We offer over 50 different distance learning courses that you can do from the comfort of your own home, ranging from business start-up to equality and diversity, customer service, team leading and many more.

FREE English and Math’s Courses

If you don’t already have GCSE grade 4/C in these subjects your course will be FREE. Whether you need to start at entry-level or you want to retake GCSEs, we can help.

FREE Skills for Employment Courses

These courses are specifically designed to help unemployed adults get back into work in a range of industries – from business admin to adult social care and much more. Delivered in conjunction with a range of local employers, you could be back at work in no time and, whilst you are retraining, you will not lose your benefits.

FREE English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Courses

If English isn’t your first language, these courses can help you with everyday life in the UK. They may be available FREE, subject to eligibility criteria.

FREE Multiply Numeracy Courses

Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. If you’re aged 19 and over you can access free numeracy courses through Multiply to build your confidence with numbers and gain a qualification.

FREE Prince’s Trust Programme

If you are aged 16-25 and are looking for work, the FREE Prince’s Trust Team Programme can help to develop the skills you need to progress.

Help and Support

Other courses may be available FREE subject to your personal circumstances and eligibility criteria. If you aren’t eligible for free tuition, we can still help you with course costs through our interest-free payment plans, learner loans and financial support packages.

For more advice about our free adult courses, contact our admissions team on 01782 603634 or email Alternatively use our live chat facility and a member of our team will be in touch!