The School Liaison Team at Stoke on Trent College is here to support your school and its students, so that your learners are equipped to make the best possible choice about what to do when they finish their GCSEs in Year 11. We’re here to help, with a wide range of activities on offer, from taster events in college to job-search workshops in school – all designed to prepare young people for their next stage in education or employment.

We regularly visit over 36 schools in the area to speak to young people, as well as holding events and activities at College, to showcase our fantastic facilities and courses

Welcome to Stoke on Trent College

If you want to find out more about Stoke on Trent College you can visit one of our Open Events – for the latest information on our Open Events please click here.

If you’ve missed any of our previous events, you can now watch our course presentations and take a virtual tour online – please click here.

How to Apply

Below is a step by step guide on how to apply for a course with us here at Stoke on Trent College.

If you are struggling to complete an application form and would rather complete one over the phone or have one posted out to you, please contact the School’s Team on 01782 603645 or 603601.

  1. Head over to the courses tab which will show you all the course areas we have at Stoke on Trent College. Once you have found your course, click apply now and this will take you through to our Online Applications page.
  2. If you haven’t registered for an account on our webpage before please complete all the details on the right. Remember to keep your password safe as you will need this to log into your account again! Once you have registered you will receive an email from us confirming you have set up an account.
  3. Click ‘Start New Application’
  4. Personal Details Complete all mandatory fields marked with a ‘*’ Please ensure that all your contact details are correct and up to date to ensure our Admissions team can get in contact with you.
  5. You can either apply for 1 course or more if you wish too. You are able to pick up to 5 courses!
  6. If you are interested in our Sports Academies you can click which academy you are interested in and we can send your information off to the academies.
  7. Once you have completed please click, Continue
  8. Qualifications– Please ensure you type in your latest school and all your Mock GCSE grades.
  9. Once you have completed please click, Continue
  10. More Information this section is all about you. If you have any Health, Disability or Additional Support Needs, if you are in care or leaving care, Criminal Convictions and what best describes your Ethnic Origin.
  11. Once these have been completed and you scroll down you need to indicate how you would like the college to contact you.
  12. Once you have completed please click, Continue
  13. Review your application to ensure all the details are correct and accurate and you are happy with all the information you have supplied.
  14. If you are happy please click Submit. This will then be sent off to our Admissions Team for processing.
  15. You will then receive and email and a message on screen saying your Application has been Successful. Please keep this email safe as it will contain your Application Reference number in case you need to contact the college about your application.
  16. Our Admissions team will then be in contact shortly with an offer and what will happen next.

If you are wanting to apply for more than one course you need to follow the steps above. If you are a Student, Parent or Teacher and want to find out more complete the form below or contact us on:

Telephone: 01782 603601 or 603645


Schools Team: Suzy Ball (Team Leader) & Amy Howle

School Liaison Enquiry