Aged 19+

Thank you for choosing to study at Stoke on Trent College in September.

Last updated: 6 December, 2024

Adult Bursary Fund

You may be entitled to help with your course or exam fees if it is a fundable course.  If your chosen course is a Level 3 or above qualification you may be eligible to apply online for a 19+ Advanced Learner Loan.

The costs associated with studying, such as travelling to college or buying equipment can be expensive, but if you have a combined household gross annual income of £40,000 or less you may be able to receive assistance to help you with these costs:

  • FREE or Subsidised Travel
  • Subsidised Equipment
  • If you have a child of nursery age, you can also apply for help towards the cost of childcare

Remission of Fees – Do I have to pay the listed course fee?

You may be entitled for your course fee to be free dependent on the course and your personal circumstances. Below is a list of criteria that may allow you to have your fees fully remitted. This information is correct at the time of publishing, but may be subject to change.

If you do not fall under any of these categories but your combined annual household income is below £40,000, you can apply for help towards the cost of your course, if it is fundable, through the Adult Bursary Fund.

*Studying a Level 2 Distance Learning course and live in England (subject to a postcode check)
*Studying English/Maths (if you don’t have GCSE grade 4/C or above)
*Aged 19-23 and studying an eligible first full Level 2 or Level 3 qualification
*Aged 19+ and don’t already have a full level 3 qualification, studying a Level 3 FREE Courses for Jobs qualification

*Aged 19+ and earn below £25,000 annual gross salary (whether unemployed, employed or self-employed) studying selected courses (regardless of prior qualifications).

Please contact the Admissions Team on either email or telephone contacts below

How to Apply

There are several ways that you can apply for help through the Bursary Fund. You can complete your application on line or if you prefer you can print and complete the forms from the website which will need to be returned to the Student Assistance Team in college. Alternatively, we will be happy to forward you an application pack by post.

Please contact us via


If you are applying on line, please complete the application forms below and forward along with any documents, listed in the evidence guide to the Student Assistance Team as soon as possible at

Please ensure that the email that you have written on the application form is the same as the one that you return your completed application.

By post or in person

If you would prefer to complete by hand, print the application forms from our website and along with any documents, listed in the evidence guide please return to the Student Assistance Team as soon as possible. You can either return in person or use our FREEPOST address: Student Assistance, Stoke on Trent College, Stoke Road Shelton, ST4 2BR.

Once you have returned your completed application form with the relevant supporting evidence we will assess your application. We will require all documents as listed in the 19+ Financial Evidence Guide. We will contact you if we require any further information and we cannot access your application without the correct documents.

Once your application for help through the Bursary Scheme is approved we will forward you an approval letter to the address on the application form submitted.


19+ Childcare

If you are an adult learner with childcare responsibilities and your combined household income is below £40,000, you can apply for childcare support, all you need to do is complete the application form. Please be aware that the days on your form must match the days you are in college. A Bursary guide is also available, providing information on what evidence is required to support your application


You would only qualify for a free or subsidised bus pass if you meet the criteria of the Bursary Fund and live at least 1 miles away from your main place of study and you are studying in excess of 12 hours guided learning per week, or attend for 2 or more days per week.

If you need any further information relating to the local bus companies, please refer to their website address links below:

How to pay

For all information regarding payments, please refer to our How to Pay section.

Below are the documents required to apply.

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