Corporate Information for Higher Education

Our Vision: Our learners will have the confidence and skills to make choices for a lifetime of fulfilment. Our Mission: To provide an inclusive professional and technical education to energise […]

Last updated: 1 February, 2022

Our Vision:

Our learners will have the confidence and skills to make choices for a lifetime of fulfilment.

Our Mission:

To provide an inclusive professional and technical education to energise and grow our city region.

In doing this we:

Promise learners that we will help them to access and achieve their aspirations

Promise employers that we will work with them to develop a highly trained and reliable workforce

Promise stakeholders that we will play an active role in the development of a vibrant local economy

Stoke on Trent College also has a specific Higher Education Strategy, which is summarised by the 3 key principles below:

Wider and fairer access to HE

  • Providing clear progression routes to higher education for vocational student within the College
  • Stimulating demand from new students, including those already in work
  • Providing an affordable HE programme
  • Increasing choice of HE routes

Meeting the Skills Needs of the Region

  • Meeting customer and stakeholder needs
  • Working in collaboration with partners and employers

Improving student choice and experience of higher education

  • Enabling students to access HE locally
  • Encouraging access to HE

For more general information about Stoke on Trent College please visit the ‘About Us’ section of the website. Click here to read this institution’s latest review report.

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