Entry Requirements
You will need to have successfully achieved the Level 2 Motor Vehicle qualification before commencing this course.
You will have a pre-induction interview/
assessment to make sure this is the right
level for you.
How Is It Assessed
The course will be assessed using a number of methods, including practical tasks, on-line assessments time restricted assessments. These will be assessed and quality assued internal by your course team and externally sampled by an IMI moderator.
How Is It Taught
The course will be delivered using a varaiety of theory and practical sessions, allowing you to develop your workshop skills and to complete your course work for the 6 units of the quaification.
What Could I do Next
You could progress from this course onto a Motor Vehicle Advanced Apprenticeship, or onto a Foundation degree or HNC in Vehicle Technology or Motor Sport.
What Else Do I Need To Know
You will need to bring along your own PPE i.e overals and boots so you can work in the vehicle workshops.