Stoke on Trent College first in area to be awarded national Careers Standard

Stoke-on-Trent College has been officially and nationally recognised for its outstanding careers work this week; with the Quality in Careers Standard accreditation.

The college is the first local college to be awarded the prestigious national Quality in Careers Standard.

The Quality in Careers Standard is given to education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions that will help them achieve their career ambitions.

Achieving the Standard demonstrates how the principal, governors and leadership team at Stoke on Trent College embrace, promote and endorse quality careers education, as well as acknowledging the part it plays in the overall success of the College and its students.

Dave Hopley, Director of Student Services and the College’s Careers Leader, said, “I’m incredibly proud of all the team involved in the achievement of this highly regarded award.

“At Stoke-on-Trent College we recognise the important role the college plays in helping students to achieve their career ambitions. We’ve worked really hard over the past few years to ensure our careers education is the very best quality and this award gives us recognition at a national level.”

From left to right.
Anthony Brannen, Lyndsey Cherry, Steve Heaton, Dave Hopley, Heather Marks, Jane Dunning, Jason Lancaster.

Assessors visited the College in July and scored the College against eight key criteria, known as the Gatsby Benchmarks. The assessment is made against national standards, which fully incorporate the Gatsby Benchmarks for “Good Careers Guidance” by an expert CEIAG assessor who is independent from the school or college.

The College fully met the Standard across all eight indicators, making it the first college in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire to achieve the award at the highest level.

Stoke-on-Trent College already holds the Matrix quality award for Information Advice and Guidance.

The College has an extensive programme of activities designed to support students in making decisions on their next steps and future career planning.

All students on full time further education programmes have the opportunity to gain work experience related to their area of study, and the Careers Team organises a range of events and activities such as Higher Education and Next Steps Careers Fairs, which are linked to a careers education programme through tutorials and curriculum activities.

The College was also praised by assessors for its strong links with employers, other learning providers and both local and national universities. The College is currently enrolling students for its new intake, with courses beginning September.

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Published on
September 1, 2021 8:45 am