Young people and adults will benefit from the opportunities created by the growth of the economy in the City and County and new developments in industry.
The College’s delivery of a wide range of skills will support a diverse economy with a mix of production, construction and service industries needed to drive growth and resilience in the economy.
Ensuring skills for work, including language, communication, basic skills, and skills for jobs, is essential to break the low-skills economy. We will focus on getting adults into work or better jobs, and we will form strong partnerships with employers to enable them to invest in re-skilling and up-skilling their workforce.
Green Economy
The fastest growing sector in the West Midlands, growing by 7% in 2020. We can play a key role in the local carbon sector through skills in low carbon heating and retrofitting, modern methods of construction, electric vehicles, and future hydrogen vehicles.
Institute of Technology
As a partner of the IoT we will promote the progression of learners to skilled roles at level 4 and above. We will service the industrial development and logistics interchange the A50/A500 corridor including construction, engineering, logistics, manufacturing, digital and green technologies.
Digital Opportunity
The fourth Industrial Revolution is seeing rapid technological change altering the way we live, work and relate to one another. ‘Tech’ is integrated within every sector. We need to ensure we grow the skills and creativity that will enable our learners to contribute to, and benefit from, new economic opportunities.
Health and Social Care
Fast growing sector with over 1400 businesses and over 64000 employees locally. There is demand for roles at all levels across the sector – practitioners, care workers, clinical, pharmacy, health professional, leaders and managers, technicians and corporate and support roles.
Ceramic Valley Enterprise Zone
Six sites on the A500 now generate £18.55m in gross value added for the local economy. Further development of Chatterley Valley site has the potential for 1700 new jobs. The College can support businesses with cross-cutting skills needs such as digital and automation.