Course Duration



Burslem Campus

Course Cost

£ 340.00
Do I have to pay this fee? These courses are full-cost, which means that there is no fee remission available. All learners must pay the full cost of the course.

Course Code


Start Date


Start Time




Course Summary

During your study you will cover areas such as, inspecting and testing portable appliances, management of processes, and requirements of maintenance of electrical equipment.

Course Requirements

Entry Requirements

no specific requirements

How Is It Assessed

By Awarding body assessments and online exams

How Is It Taught

By practical and Theory sessions

What Could I do Next

Our qualifications can lead directly into employment, offering learners the chance to develop their skills and knowledge to a high standard recognised by the industry. In addition, we also have a number of Higher Level qualifications offered through ILM.

Entry Requirements

no specific requirements

How Is It Assessed

By Awarding body assessments and online exams

How Is It Taught

By practical and Theory sessions

What Could I do Next

Our qualifications can lead directly into employment, offering learners the chance to develop their skills and knowledge to a high standard recognised by the industry. In addition, we also have a number of Higher Level qualifications offered through ILM.