Course Duration

36 months


Off Site

Course Cost

£ 0.00
Do I have to pay this fee? Other

Course Code


Start Date


Start Time




Course Summary

To enrol onto this apprenticeship, you must have an employer who is willing to support you throughout the duration of your training and end point assessment.

The Level 3 Plate Welder Apprenticeship is designed to equip apprentices with the advanced skills, knowledge, and behaviours needed to work as professional welders specialising in plate welding. Plate welders join sections, plates, and components in industries such as construction, shipbuilding, engineering, and manufacturing, using advanced welding techniques to ensure high-quality, durable joints.

The apprenticeship focuses on the following course content:

- Materials and Welding Processes
- Welding Standards
- Health, Safety and Environmental Practices
- Weld Inspection and Testing
- Mathematics and Technical Drawing
- Equipment and Technology

- Welding Techniques
- Problem-solving
- Preparation and Assembly
- Quality Assurance
- Collaboration and Communication

- Commitment to Quality
- Attention to Detail
- Health and Safety Awareness
- Continuous Improvement
- Reliability

Course Requirements

Entry Requirements

GCSE Grade 4 or above in English or Maths.

How Is It Assessed

The End Point Assessment for this apprenticeship consists of a multiple choice knowledge test, professional discussion supported by a portfolio and a practical skills test.

How Is It Taught

During the practical period, you will attend college one day a week and for the remaining part of your contracted hours, will be in the workplace building on your knowledge, skills and behaviours.

What Could I do Next

On completion of this apprenticeship, you may wish to further progress your knowledge and skills and consider a Level 4 Welding Inspector/Coordinator Apprenticeship.

What Else Do I Need To Know

You will be assigned a Skills Coach who will visit and support you in the workplace and complete progress reviews in preparation for your End Point Assessment.

Entry Requirements

GCSE Grade 4 or above in English or Maths.

How Is It Assessed

The End Point Assessment for this apprenticeship consists of a multiple choice knowledge test, professional discussion supported by a portfolio and a practical skills test.

How Is It Taught

During the practical period, you will attend college one day a week and for the remaining part of your contracted hours, will be in the workplace building on your knowledge, skills and behaviours.

What Could I do Next

On completion of this apprenticeship, you may wish to further progress your knowledge and skills and consider a Level 4 Welding Inspector/Coordinator Apprenticeship.

What Else Do I Need To Know

You will be assigned a Skills Coach who will visit and support you in the workplace and complete progress reviews in preparation for your End Point Assessment.