Stronger Together
Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce and Stoke on Trent College are pleased to announce the creation of the Chamber Business College, an exciting joint venture that has been established to provide a comprehensive range of training services to businesses across Staffordshire.
The Chamber Business College has been created with the express benefit of Staffordshire-based business in mind. A huge amount of hard work has gone into developing the combined offering and we now have a one-stop-training-solution that will provide local business with a seamless training and development service. At the Chamber Business College we recognise that a well-trained workforce will have far reaching benefits for businesses and will help increase efficiency, morale and productivity.
As part of the service we can offer businesses an organisational needs analysis that will help them understand what the training needs of their business are. ESF funding means that we can provide this service to businesses with up to two hundred and fifty staff at no cost, meaning all funds can go directly into training staff. We can also do the same for individual staff and provide them with a training roadmap to help them reach their true potential.
For more information about the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce click here.