Entry Requirements
4 GCSEs grade 4 (C) or above (must include GCSE English/maths).
How Is It Assessed
Learners are assessed throughout the duration of the course using a variety of methods, including assignments, presentations, case studies and other projects. Two exams in EACH year of study(January and May). Learners will receive regular feedback on their assignments and progress is monitored throughout the course. The qualification is graded at pass, merit and distinction.
How Is It Taught
Lecturers use a variety of teaching methods such as lectures and practical workshops. This course adopts an industry-led approach, ensuring that students engage with units directly aligned with the demands of the sports and exercise science industry. Through a blend of theoretical study and practical application, students will gain a deep understanding of key concepts and techniques essential for professional practice.
What Could I do Next
Secure your place and apply through the college website.
What Else Do I Need To Know
Costs: Uniform- TBC Key Features: * Practical, hands-on learning experiences * Industry-relevant curriculum designed in collaboration with experts * Guest lectures and workshops delivered by industry professionals * Opportunities for networking and career development within the sports and exercise science field Study Programme Equivalent in size to three A Levels. 13 units of which 7 are mandatory and 4 are external. Mandatory content (67%). External assessment (42%). (Year 1) Functional Anatomy Exercise Physiology Field & Lab based testing Coaching for Performance and Fitness Biomechanics Physical Activity for Individual & Group based Exercise Technology in Sport (Year 2) Applied Research Methods in Sport & Exercise Science Applied Sport & Exercise Psychology Nutrition for Sport & Exercise Performance Sports Injury and Assessment Sociocultural Issues in Sport and Exercise Specialised Fitness Training